
The technology that powers website.

I've connected the server directly to the modem/router, bypassing the need for a switch or second router. This setup gives me a performance boost, as there's one less hop in the connection. Estimated costs: €21.90/year (TTC) and €1.83/month (TTC), assuming 12.5 W power usage, 24/7 operation, and €0.20/kWh (TTC) electricity price in France.

Software Stack
FrontendHTML CSS JS vanilla
OSDebian 12, Baremetal
VirtualizationIncus 6.0 LTS - LXC
Hardware Stack
CPUx86 Intel® N100, 4 Cores, 3.40 GHz, PDT 6 W
RAMAnucell Technology Holding, DDR4, 16 GB
NICRTL8111/8168/8411 Ethernet Controller, 1G
Storage512GB TWSC-TN512G-SSD
Network Stack
ModemLivebox 5 Fibre - 1000Mpbs (down) / 800Mpbs (up)
RouterLivebox 5 Fibre
FirewallLivebox 5 Fibre (open 22-53-80-443)
SwitchLivebox 5 Fibre (1G) ETH2
DNSServer Authoritative Technitium 12.2.1 DNSSEC ECDSA Curve P-256 with SHA-256
Misc.Underground fibre
Infrastructure Diagram
I use an SSH forward tunnel to access my dashboards such as Adguard, Technitium, Mkdocs, etc... LocalForward 443 localhost:81
Here are my DNS rewrites to access them
I can access my local sites on port 443 with a valid TLS certificate issued by Caddy-trust